

Numbers are the highest degree of knowledge. It is known in itself as the numerical concepts are more factual than the physical ones. The origin goes back to 350 AD in the times of Pythagoras and his mathematical concepts. In India, the roots of Numerology is believed to be from Vedic ritual symbolism and Samakhya Philosophy. The Indian Astrology basically uses numbers to study and understand behavioural patterns of humans, their personality, fortunes, intellect, natural disposition, spirituality, sexuality and so on. This science helps in calculation of numbers that are hidden in the birth name of the individual and use it to make most accurate predictions about One’s life, Conduct and Destiny.


According to Numerology, each individual is bound to have 3 numerology numbers:

Psychic Number- which talks about an individual persona and defines the basic YOU. It tells about the talents and your tendencies.

Destiny Number: Is the way how the world sees you. It is believed to be acquired by your Karma and past actions.

Name Number- Is also known as Relationship Number which mainly signifies the relationship goals and improvements.

Alphabet numerology, Marriage numerology are the other types. You would have heard people saying 5 is their lucky number, 7 is the magic number, 10, 14 and so on as their lucky numbers. Some even say it is not good to get married, buy new things on particular dates. Numbers and happening events do have a mystical relationship.

Importance & Uses

Personal possessions or living things have a mystic relationship with the numbers and numerology. People believe that choosing right numbers in life is crucial to them to acquire the desired wealth, rigour and health. It also helps to rectify your Planetary defects, Identify Weak Zone, Health and Happiness, Occupation, and existence as a whole. According to this oath, the numbers clichéd from a person’s name and date of birth possibly will be used to evaluate a numerology visual aid about individuality, affairs, and even the forthcoming events. Some of the scholars take help of name numerology calculator to check the predictions. Even famous personalities like politicians, actors take advantage of numbers and have experienced its magic in their professional life.

Jyotish Acharya Sri. Damodhar Rao, the best numerologist in Bangalore gives the solution to lead a Happy and Peaceful life. You can also get weekly and monthly horoscopes. Visit us and be amazed to know how specific numbers and their usage can change the way of living.

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