Sri Ganapathi Astro provides the best advice for a perfect marriage and is based on Kundali matches.

Kundali & Marriage Match

Kundli which is also known as Horoscope is considered as a guide to one’s life journey. In Hindu Astrology, Kundli matching has a major significance in predicting the future of the individual, their nature and marriage compatibility.  The above is calculated or predicted based on planets position at the time of One’s birth. Basically, it is said that the planets having an influence on the person can be reduced by calculating its angle it is present by checking the time of birth. Various forms of Kundli predictions that are known are Janma Kundli, Birth charts, Janam Prati, Vedic Horoscope, Vedic Chart, and Hindu Chart. Kundli Analysis is also done regarding Education, Foreign Travel, Entrepreneurship, Purchase of new property/Vehicle, Legal matters like court cases, litigation, Health Life, Children, Infertility, Change of career, Unemployment and its remedies. Apart from these it is also used in detection of Mangala Dosha and to identify a Manglik.

Marriage is an important event to be cherished. Hindus ensure that the horoscope of the girl and boy is matched perfectly before they tie a knot as Husband and wife. Thus matchmaking is becoming a prerequisite before marriage as it is believed that couple with a good horoscope match will live happily ever after. People believe in this ritual and blindly follow it without knowing the actual reason.  At Lakshmi Ganapathi Astro Centre you will know the exact reason and its importance in detail explained by Panditji himself. This is also known as Kundli matching or Jathak match where the astrological charts are matched.

There is been an increasing trend in Love Marriages these days.  People like to choose their love life and partner themselves. However, in some cases, they may encounter some serious hurdles to marry their loved ones. Astrological support and Solutions are provided in these cases by carefully examining the Houses and planets of Love. This throws light on stability, reliability and Cohesion of the Love Life.

Acharya Sri Damodhar Rao, says, “The importance of match-making is essential in life if you want the marriage to be successful. The nature/character of the person can be predicted through his/her Horoscope. Partner compatibility, genuineness, the durability of the relationship with mother-in-law can also be checked. A prosperous wedding is a key to the happy and healthy family.

Pandit Sri Damodhar Rao is known to be adept in Kundli Checking and Match Making who can bring a momentous fate changing experiences in your personal and Professional life. Visit us for Kundli reading, marriage horoscope by date of birth, name, Kundli matching for love marriage.