Family dispute have a bad impact on your children’s mental health,Don’t worry!You got a famous family problems astrologer in Bangalore

Family Problems

According to one of the well know family guru, Family is not the important thing. It’s everything. Home and Family has utmost importance in Hindu religion as most of them are living in a joint family under a common roof. In such scenario being a perfect family with all the desired qualities & characteristics in each member and being good with each other is unusual. Every person has its own strengths and flaws. With no choice, the compatibility and incompatibility become a part of a family as people are born with different zodiac signs. Panditji being the Famous astrologer in bangalore identifies the effects of zodiac signs on compatibility with help of vedic astrology.

Under the influence of these different traits and characteristic we normally experience a family problem, quarrels, misunderstandings and separations in some cases. Family astrology consultations provide a detached perspective that helps you better understand yourself and family members in a nonjudgmental fashion.

Couple conflicts, we do hear this very often nowadays. Being happy starts at home. If you are married then your happiness revolves around your partner and how happy and peaceful is your relationship with them. This has a huge impact on your health and helps you in being more productive. On the other hand, conflicts can make us tensed, sick, and unhappy affecting the mental health to a greater extent because of it an emotional business.

With these disagreements and misunderstanding, the harmony gets broken and there is unwanted anxiety. The main conflict areas of the couples are for money, work, sex, children and daily chores. One will get numerous consultation sessions to resolve couple conflicts. Very less known fact is that with individual efforts if the couple uses the astrological solutions they will be able to overcome the personal differences more effectively and decrease causes of conflict in marriage.

Divorce and divorce rates are seeing its increasing trends in today’s world. People are easily getting divorced than getting married. The reasons for it are many when we see it in the social perspective. Marriages are made in heaven but the decision of divorce is taken on earth. Astrology has its own explanations on why people get divorced based on their karmic deeds. It says there are planets like Mars, Rahu, Saturn, and Sun are the affecting agents. Mars, Venus, Jupiter also adds to the cause based on the individual horoscope.

Astro guru Sri Pandit Damodhar Rao resolves all the above-mentioned issues compassionately and effectively.

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