Do you want to know your horoscope? Get Expert Advise From The Famous Astrologer in Bangalore.


Horoscope is a prediction of individual’s future based on the position of celestial bodies at the time of person’s birth. Checking Horoscope is completely optional and is purely based on person’s belief. Knowing about the future and its predictions may not be true in most of the cases. But with the guidance of the virtuous person, you may unlock some of the greatest mysteries of your future life. A Horoscope is made mainly to know in advance how the life trajectory of a person and his advancement in life. There is a norm followed even now that a horoscope is the first thing that is made as soon as a child is born in Hindu family.

Horoscope High Fives

Self Identity:

Horoscope can help you identify individual skills and specific career to choose from and excel.

Knowing the Trouble Zone:

Knowing one’s strengths and weakness gives a wider picture of handling things in terms of life’s perspective. Horoscope will tell you if you are likely to suffer due to doshas (unfavourable results due to some planets) or weakness of planets in important areas like education or relationships.

Financial Consultant:

A horoscope will predict the good and bad times for earning and accumulating wealth so that one remains focused and conscious of the approaching good time and take advantage of it.

Know All About your Marriage:

Marriage is a special event in a person’s life and it is affected by the specific combinations of planets Jupiter, Venus and Mars. A horoscope of a person predicts all these information at one stop.

Know your Right Date and Time:

A horoscope would reflect the changing patterns of favourable and malefic planets and their consequent impact on our lives. This helps one schedule important events like holding marriages or buying property on best possible days.

Get your Decision Buddy:

Horoscope predictions provide guidance in decision making as it will tell you about the success rate and future prospects of the decisions taken today.

Know about Your near Future:

Planets are influencing each and every moment of time and their changing frequencies bring good and bad results in our life. Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes acquaint us with the consequences of the ever-changing planetary frequencies.

A famous astrologer in Bangalore, Pandit Sri Damodhar Rao, will check your horoscope by date of birth, horoscope compatibility, love match, astrology horoscope, and future horoscope. Hurry up and Book your appointment now.